Under The Rug

Under The Rug is a hand drawn, animated short that delves into a family's obsession with a routine and its inability to acknowledge the hypocrisy of it.

  • In Collaboration with: Musician: Rahul Jigysasu

  • Colouring and cleaning assistant: Emily Pleass

  • Colouring and cleaning assistant: Sanjana Chandrasekhar

  • Colouring and cleaning assistant: Hannah Brewerton

  • Sound Mix: Girjashanker Vohra

My idea began with exploring the concept of change within a family: how does one attempt to change something that has always been part of a regular routine? With her own experience of how the institution of a family attempts to keep the political and personal as two separate identities, I was able to evolve her concept for the film.

I noticed that there was a constant standard of decency that was upheld in the house - in extremely subtle ways. These inherent rules made the routine a perpetual and long lasting loop.

My film, Under The Rug was a result of drawings based on observations that I made at home. The daily routine that was followed at home seemed like a never-ending loop that brought a sense of comfort and familiarity. 

This very routine managed to sustain class differences, patriarchy and oppression within the family. Certain incidents kept happening over and over again, and the inability of acknowledging this prompted her to add an element of humour in the film.


Hands Up - Music Video


Dualist Inquiry